唐纳德•杰克逊, scribe to the current Queen of England, long dreamed of creating a modern illuminated Bible — one in which the text is accompanied by original artworks and calligraphy. A priest from Saint John’s University in Collegeville, 明尼苏达州, 分享梦想, and the two connected and eventually spent 15 years working with artists and calligraphers to create a handwritten illuminated Bible that would resonate with people of all faiths in the 21st century. 

This year, a high-quality art edition of 圣约翰圣经 will be at St. 365比分网电竞. The Bible is available for viewing at the Munday 图书馆 on campus. Different pages are displayed from week to week. A series of events throughout the year will make the Bible even more dynamic and interactive.


圣约翰圣经 divides the books of the Old and New Testaments into seven volumes. The first volume, called the Pentateuch, contains the first five books, beginning with Genesis. Its arrival was celebrated during the Mass of the Holy Spirit on Aug. 25.


迈克尔·帕特拉神父, 的OSB, professor of Theology at Saint John’s University, 讨论了起源, development and impact of 圣约翰圣经 on Oct. 2 as part of the Most Reverend John 麦卡锡系列讲座.


11月. 16、圣. 爱德华的 Masterworks Singers perform at St. William Catholic Church in Round Rock in a fusion of song and projected images from 圣约翰圣经 that will breathe new life into the 神的话语.



Four courses this fall are incorporating the Bible. A theology class is exploring sacred art and religious texts. A literature course is using the Bible as a springboard for studying biblical narratives in literary works such as Paradise Lost, Frankenstein and Their Eyes Were Watching God. 在平面设计课程中, students are creating a prototype for a mobile app to read 圣约翰圣经. 在荣誉课程上, students are comparing the illuminated manuscript with a regular print version of the Bible.

students at mccarthy lecture series
麦卡锡系列讲座 Light Show


在春天, the exploration starts anew with the arrival of the volume containing the Gospels and Acts, which will replace the Pentateuch in the Munday 图书馆. Images from the other five volumes will be woven into the university’s classes and programs.

now faith is the assurance of things hoped for

创建, 唐纳德•杰克逊, 复制right 2006, 圣约翰圣经, Saint John’s University, Collegeville, 明尼苏达州, USA. Scripture quotations are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, 天主教版, 版权1993, 1989 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America.  经许可使用. 版权所有.